Recommended Spinning and Casting Rods, Reels and Tackle

Northern Pike and Lake Trout
- Rods : 6 – 7 ft medium-heavy rods with a fast tip
- Reels: Medium to heavy spinning reels capable of 12-20 lb test line
- Reels : Medium to heavy bait casting reels with 17-25 lb test line (trolling)
Arctic Grayling
- Rods: 5-1/2 – 6-1/2 foot ultra light to medium light spinning rods
- Reels: ultra light to light with 4 – 6 lb monofilament line
It is mandatory in the province of Manitoba that all hooks be barbless and only 1 treble hook per bait. Absolutely no exceptions to this rule
Recommended Tackle
Northern Pike
Mepps #5, Aglia and Musky Killer, chartreuse, pearl, gold and silver, 1 oz spinner baits ass’t colors, ass’t spoons – red and white, 5 of diamonds, firetiger, red eye wiggler, Johnson’s silver minnow with tail, swim baits, and selection of soft plastics and tubes for those lazy fish
Lake Trout
Large silver, gold and colored spoons 2 oz, Husky and Husky Jr. spoons, Flatfish T-60, large Rapalas, 2-4 oz jigs, soft plastic jigs and tubes, deep diving stick baits
Arctic Grayling
Mepps #0, 1 and 2, #1, 2 vibra-sonics, 1/8 oz spoons ass’t colors, 1/8 jigs with ass’t tubes and tails

Please don’t forget to bring along a good selection of high quality stainless steel leaders for pike, 9-12” with a good quality snap and swivel. For Lake Trout, we suggest a fluorocarbon leader 18-24” made with quality snaps and swivels. We suggest either a cross lock or stalock snap and ball bearing swivels.
You have to remember that the above is just a snap shot of what typically works on our waters. If you have a special bait you want to bring up and try, then by all means do so. Most times, the fish up here are attracted to anything that moves erratically through the water, is shiny or makes sound and vibrates. It actually drives them nuts.
We offer quality complimentary rods and reels for those that choose not to bring any along. We are more than willing at any time to discuss the selection described above.
Recommended “Fly Fishing” Equipment List
Note: The following recommended equipment list is to act as a guideline and represents options that have proven to work well on our waters
Northern Pike
- Rods: 9/10 foot, 8 to 10 weight, fast action/tip rod
- Reel: 8 to 10 weight, large arbor, disc drag reel
- Fly Line: WF Floating and Clear Intermediate Sink lines
- Backing: 100 to 150 yards, gel spun 35 to 50lb
- Leader: 20 lb test Fluorocarbon
- Tippet: 20 to 50 lb poly coated wire leader
- Flies:
- 4 to 6 inch Bunny Leech Patterns (White, Black, Red and White, Natural)
- 4 to 6 inch Bunker/Whistler Streamers (White and Black, Grey/Cisco)
- 6 inch Dahlberg Divers (White, Red and White, Black, Chartreuse)
- Assorted Top Water (Deer Hair Poppers)
- Note: 1/0 to 2/0 Saltwater Hooks work best for above patterns and Pike
Lake Trout

- Rods: 9/10 foot, 6 to 8 weight, fast action/tip rod
- Reel: 6 to 8 weight, large arbor, disc drag reel
- Fly Line: Clear Intermediate Sink, Sink Tip, and Full Sink (Type 5 or 6) Line
- Backing: 100 to 150 yards, gel spun 35 to 50lb
- Leader: 17 to 20 lb test Fluorocarbon
- Tippet: 10 to 15 lb test Fluorocarbon
- Flies:
- 4 to 6 inch Bunny Leech Patterns (White, Black, Red and White, Natural)
- 4 to 6 inch Bunker/Whistler Streamers (White and Black, Grey/Cisco)
- 4 inch assorted minnow patterns (Deceiver minnow’s e.g.)
- Note: 1/0 to 2/0 Saltwater Hooks work best for larger patterns, size 1 to 4
- Saltwater hooks for smaller patterns.
Arctic Grayling
- Rods: 9/10 foot, 5 to 6 weight, fast action/tip rod
- Reel: 5 to 6 weight, mid arbor, disc drag reel
- Fly Line: WF Floating, Sink Tip Line
- Backing: 75 to 100 yards, gel spun 20 to 35lb
- Leader: 4 to 6 lb Test Fluorocarbon
- Tippet: ” ” ” “
- Flies:
Dry Flies: Parachute Adams, Elk Hair Caddis, Humpy, Black Knat and Mosquito patterns are most common. Royal Wolf and Coachman patterns also work well.Hook sizes should vary from size 10 to 18.
Nymphs: Any and all patterns that match hatches of May, Caddis, Midge and Stone flies.
“More than half the intense enjoyment of fly-fishing is derived from the beautiful surroundings, the satisfaction felt from being in the open air, the new lease of life secured thereby, and the many, many pleasant recollections of all one has seen, heard and done.”Charles F. OrvisBook your Trip Today!